2016 Regional Projects Analysis
Commissioned by CRISIS, this analysis was led by Capital Region Planning Commission (CRPC) Executive Director Jamie Setze and the CRPC’s transportation planners, in an effort to begin to forge regional consensus based on data-driven solutions.
To conduct the analysis, a team of CRISIS representatives, parish presidents or their representatives, legislators, and CRPC staff identified projects with regional significance for analysis, with consideration given to all regional projects in the State Long Range Plan. Then, 18 major transportation projects were analyzed using a regional transportation model for comparative analysis. Key metrics used included each project’s projected reduction in regional Vehicle Hours of Travel (VHT), along with “best available” cost estimates done in conjunction with DOTD, to arrive at ratios of “congestion relief for the cost” derived for comparison.
Projects were also compared based on groupings among four different categories, based on whether they were a new Mississippi River crossing, a large regional project, a small regional project, or addressed the region’s “urban core.”
General findings of the analysis concluded that:
- Multiple projects are needed for regional congestion relief
- Highest benefit projects involve crossing the Mississippi River (New bridge and increased use of old bridge)
- Best benefit/cost projects involve improving commute to Ascension Parish and one additional lane in both directions of I-10 through Baton Rouge
- Tolling can be a part of broader funding strategy – with project tolling revenue projections ranging from 25% to 60% of project cost
Based on the analysis and findings, a recommended Regional Solution would consist of the following project priorities:
- I-10 Widening (one lane in both directions) Through Baton Rouge
- Ascension Commuter Route (I-10 to LA 22)
- New River Crossing South of I-10 Bridge (With LA 30 Widening)
- Increase Use of US 190 Bridge (BUMP or North Bypass)