CRISIS launched the grant-funded Capital Region Mobility Strategy (CRMS) in 2016 in response to growing concerns about transportation in the Baton Rouge area. The strategy recognizes the important ties between effective transportation systems and strong regional economies. With consideration for the Capital Regional Planning Commission’s Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update, Move 2042, the CRMS considers the unique competing interests that affect the regional transportation system, including unpredictable funding levels, shifting demographics, a growing economy, rising expectations, and natural uncertainty. The strategy aligns short- and long-term transportation strategies with broader regional goals and initiatives, such as mobility, safety, and economic vitality.
The CRMS is meant to complement the development of Long Range Transportation Plan Update, Move 2042, which is constrained in assigning the projected funding that will be available for transportation projects over the next decade. The CRMS takes a holistic approach to addressing traffic problems by identifying a range of strategies within a broader framework of more comprehensive regional policies, programs and ideas that fall outside of the financially constrained federally mandated plan and require multiple partnerships to advance.
The CRMS is organized around five overlapping themes: